

Eschewing Ending : Gérard de Nerval and the Poetics of Nonclosure, en avril 2001, dans le departement de French and Romance Philiology à Columbia University à New York, sous la direction d'Henri Mitterand.



"Nerval et la mise en cause de l'auctoritas scripturale: Le Songe de Polyphile ", Forthcoming in the January 2002 issue of The

Romanic Review.

"Villiers de l,Isle-Adam and the Uses of Intertextuality. Paper presented at the Fourth Annual Graduate Conference on French and Comparative Literature, Columbia University, New York, NY, March 1994.


"Cogito et Histoire de la folie, ou le vouloir-dire du disciple ", Authorship, Authority / Auteur, Autorité. Ed. Vincent Desroches and Geoffry Turnovsky. New York: Columbia University Press, 1995.


Etudes sur Nerval
