(Partial) English Language Bibliography

Bibliographie établie par Heidi Holst Knudsen



Aberbach, David. "Loss and Dreams." Surviving Trauma. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1989 44-70.

Ahearn, Edward J. "Visionary Insanity: Nerval's Aurélia." Visionary Fictions. Apocalyptic Writing from Blake to the Modern Age. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1996. 54-71.

Avni, Ora. "Speech Acts." The Resistance of Reference. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1990.175-229.

Bales, Richard. "A Poetics of Modesty: The Art of Deflection in Nerval's Sylvie." Essays n French Literature 27 (1990): 11-27.

Behdad, Ali. "Orientalist Desire, Desire for the Orient: Ideological Splits in Nerval." Belated Travelers: Orientalism in the Age of Colonial Dissolution. Durham: Duke University Press, 1994. 18-34.

Betz, Dorothy M. "Nerval's Voyage en Orient and Baudelaire's Imagined Orient." Romance Quarterly 38: 4 (1991): 399-406.

Blackman, Maurice. "Byron and the First Poems of Gérard de Nerval: Psychocriticism and 'Literary Influence.'" Nineteenth-Century French Studies 15:1-2 (1986-1987) 94-107.

_____. "Aurélia et 'le soleil noir de la mélancolie': The Evolution and Psychological Context of an Obsessive Metaphor in Gérard de Nerval." Variété: Perspectives in French Literature, Society and Culture. Ed. Marie Ramsland. New York: Peter Lang, 1999. 177-187.

Bowman, Frank Paul. "The Mémorables of Nerval's Aurélia." French Romanticism: Intertextual and Interdisciplinary Readings. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1990. 167-181.

_____. "Les Filles du feu: genèse et intertextualité." Gérard de Nerval. Colloque de la Sorbonne. Actes du colloque de la Sorbonne du 15 novembre, 1997. Sous la direction d'André Guyaux. Paris: Presses de l'Université de Paris-Sorbonne (1997): 7-22.

_____. Gérard de Nerval. La Conquête de soi par l'écriture. Orléans: Paradigme, 1997.

_____. "Corps et orgie chez Nerval: L'Imagier de Harlem." Corps/décors: Femmes, orgie, parodie. Hommage à Lucienne Frappier-Mazur. Eds. Catherine Nesci et al Amsterdam : Rodopi, 1999.

Burwick, Frederick. "Romantic Madness: Holderlin, Nerval, Clare." Cultural Interactions in the Romantic Age: Critical Essays in Comparative Literature. Ed. Gregory Maertz. New York: SUNY Press, 1998. 29-51.

Carpenter, Scott. "Figures of Interpretation in Nerval's Aurelia." Nineteenth-Century French Studies 17: 1-2 (1988-1989): 152-160.

_____. "Traveling from the Orient to Aurélia: Nerval Looks for the Words." Acts of Fiction: Resistance and Resolution from Sade to Baudelaire. University Park, PA: The Pennsylvania State University Press, 1996. 101-123.

Chadbourne, Richard. "Gérard de Nerval's 'Essayism'." French Literature Series 9 (1982): 35-42.

Chamarat, Gabrielle. "Identity and Identification in the Preface to Nerval's Filles du feu."Subject Matters: Subject and Self in French Literature from Descartes to the Present. Ed. Paul Gifford, Paul and Johnnie Gratton. Atlanta: Rodopi, 2000. 75- 84.

Chambers, Ross. "On the Suicidal Style in Modern Literature (Goethe, Nerval, Flaubert)." Cincinnati Romance Review 6, (1987): 9-41.

_____. Loiterature. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1999.

Cooper, Barbara T. "Staging a Revolution: Political Upheaval in Lorenzaccio and LeoBurckart." Romance Notes 24:1 (1983 Fall): 23-29.

Cowles, Mary Jane. "'La Vérité est inutile': Visionaries of the Terror in Nodier and Nerval." The Play of Terror in Nineteenth-Century France. Ed. John T. Booker and Allan H. Pasco. Newark, DE: University of Delaware Press, 1997. 109-121.

Cox, Jeffrey N. "Killing Kotzebue: Nerval's Leo Burckart and the Romantic Ideology of Death." European Romantic Review 1: 1 (1990): 27-58.

Dunn, Susan. "Transgression and the Amendment Riancey." Nineteenth Century French Studies12 (1983-84): 86-95.

_____. "Nerval and Money: The Currency of Dreams." Nineteenth-Century French Studies 19 (1990): 54-64.

Eisenzweig, Uri. L'Espace imaginaire d'un récit. "Sylvie" de Gérard de Nerval. Neuchâtel: La Baconnière, 1976.

Etienne, Marie-France. Gérard de Nerval: Janus multiple. New York: Peter Lang, 1987.

Fairlie, Alison. "An Approach to Nerval." Studies in Modern French Literature Presented to P. Mansell Jones. (éds. L.J. Austin, Garnet Rees, Eugène Vinaver), Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1961. 87-103.

_____. "Le mythe d'Orphée dans l'uvre de Gérard de Nerval." Cahiers de l'Association internationale des études françaises 22 (1970): 153-168.

_____. Imagination and language: Collected Essays on Constant, Baudelaire, Nerval, and Flaubert. Ed. Alison Fairlie and Malcom Bowie. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1981.

Fornasiero, Jean. "From Paris to the Orient: The Nervalian Concept of Itinerary in the Works of Patrick Modiano." Australian Journal of French Studies 31: 2 (1994): 215-27.

_____. "Nerval vers 1850: Eléments d'une biographie politique." Australian Journal of French Studies 36: 3 (1999): 293-305.

_____. "Fourierisme, politique et chimères chez Gérard de Nerval." Revue Romane 36:1 (2001): 59-80.

Gasché, Rodolphe. "The Mixture of Genres, The Mixture of Styles and Figural Interpretation: Sylvie by Gérard de Nerval." Glyph 7 (1980): 102-130.

Ginsburg, Michal Peled. "Sketching Literary Influence: Gérard de Nerval and David Shahar." The Spirit of Poesy. Ed. Richard Block, Richard and Peter Fenves. Evanston, IL: Northwestern University Press, 2002. 167-75

Godfrey, Sima. "Lending a Hand: Nerval, Gautier, Maupassant and the Fantastic."Romanic Review 78: 1 (1987): 74-83.

Gordon, Rae Beth. "Dentelle: métaphore du texte dans Sylvie." Romanic Review 73 (1982): 45-66.

_____. "The Enchanted Hand: Schlegel's Arabesque in Nerval." Ornament, Fantasy, and Desire in Nineteenth-Century French Literature. Princeton: Princeton University Press,1992. 31-54.

_____. "Trills, Frills, and Decorative Frames for the Object of Desire." Ornament, Fantasy, and Desire in Nineteenth-Century French Literature. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1992. 78-106.

Guers, Simone. Nerval et la patrie perdue, New York: Peter Lang, 1990.

Haase, Donald P. "Nerval's Knowledge of Novalis: A Reconsideration." Romance Notes 22: 1 (1981): 53-57.

____. "Gérard de Nerval's Magnum Opus: Alchemy in Literature and Life." Romance Quarterly 29: 3 (1982): 245-250.

_____."Nerval's Revision of German Romanticism: Aurélia and Novalis' Heinrich von Ofterdingen." Cincinnati Romance Review 2 (1983): 49-59.

Haskell, Eric T. "Picturing Nerval's Aurélia: Illustration as Interpretation." Word & Image: A Journal of Verbal/Visual Enquiry 3: 4 (1987): 248-258.

Haxell, Nichola Anne. "Woman as Lacemaker: The Development of a Literary Stereotype in Texts by Charlotte Bronte, Nerval, Laine, and Chawaf." The Modern Language Review 89: 3 (1994): 545-60.

Hiddleston, J.A. "'Sous les arbres sacres': Trees and Divinities in Nerval." Myth and Legend in French Literature. Ed. Keith Aspley, David Bellos and Peter Sharratt. London: Modern Humanities Research Association, 1982. 173-183.

Hiner, Susan. "Hand Writing: Dismembering and Re-Membering in Nodier, Nerval and Maupassant." Nineteenth-Century French Studies 30: 3-4 (2002): 301-315.

Huffer, Lynne. "Aurélia, une intimité illusoire." Iris 11: 2 (1986): 39-50.

Infantino, Stephen. "Defaced Portraits." Cincinnati Romance Review (1991): 72-94.

Jensen, Eric Frederick. "Liszt, Nerval, and Faust." 19th-Century Music 6: 2 (1982): 151-58.

_____. "Nerval's Dramatic Conceptions: Les Montenegrins and the Fragments for the Musical Stage." Romance Notes 32: 2 (1991): 101-09.

Knapp, Bettina L. "Proust and Nerval: Sylvie/Souvenir/Sign." Claudel Studies 16:1-2 (1989): 84-93.

Lokke, Kari. Gérard de Nerval: The Poet As Social Visionary. Lexington, KY: French Forum Monographs, 1987.

_____. "Gérard de Nerval and Women's Autobiography: The Collective Mystical Self."A/B: Auto/Biography Studies 6: 2 (1991): 211-225.

Lowe, Catherine. "The Roman tragique and the Discourse of Nervalian Madness." Pre-Text / Text/ Context: Essays on Nineteenth Century French Literature. Ed. Robert L. Mitchell. Columbus: Ohio State University Press, 1980. 37-50.

MacLennan, George. Lucid Interval: Subjective Writing and Madness in History. Leicester: Leicester University Press, 1992. ("Gérard de Nerval (1): Romanticism, Medicine and Madness" 153-176 and "Gérard de Nerval (2) 'Madness Tells Her Story'" 177-195).

Majewski, Henry F. "Reading Melancholy: French Romantic Interpretations of Durer's Engravings." Nineteenth-Century French Studies 25 (1996 Fall-1997 Winter): 13-29.

Martin, David. "Melancholy of Being, or 'I have sought the 'I' of God': Genre, Gender, and Genesis in Nerval's 'El Desdichado'." French Forum 15:1 (1990): 25-36.

Mason, Barbara. "Quotations from Sylvie and Description de San Marco in Michel Butor's Intervalle." Romance Quarterly 32:1 (1985): 65-76.

McLean, Marie. "Many Hearts Will Understand Me: Ross Chambers, Nerval and Rhizomatic Criticism." Canadian Review of Comparative Literature/Revue Canadienne de Littérature Comparée 22:2 (1995): 213-221.

Miller, David. There and Here: A Meditation on Gérard de Nerval. England: Bran's Head Frome, 1982.

Miller-Frank. Felicia. "The Bird of Artifice: Singers, Angels and Gender Ambiguity." The Mechanical Song: Women, Voice, and the Artificial in Nineteenth-Century French Narrative. Stanford: Stanford Univ. Press, 1995. 84-117.

Mossin, Andrew. "In the Shadow of Nerval: Robert Duncan, Robin Blaser, and the Poetics of (Mis)Translation." Contemporary Literature 38: 4 (1997): 673-704.

Newmark, Kevin. "The Forgotten Figures of Symbolism: Nerval's Sylvie." Yale French Studies 74 (1988): 207-229.

Noakes, Susan. "Nerval: Reading Between the Lines." Timely Readings. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1988. 35-56.

Porter, Laurence M. "Mourning and Melancholia in Nerval's Aurélia." Studies in Romanticism 15 (1976): 289-306.

_____. "The Flight From Materiality." Nineteenth Century French Studies 4 (1976) 258-262.

_____. The Literary Dream in French Romanticism: A Psychoanalytic Interpretation. Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1979.

_____. "Le Voyage initiatique de Gérard de Nerval." Oeuvres & Critiques: Revue Internationale d'Etude de la Réception Critique d'Etude des Oeuvres Littéraires de Langue 9: 2 (1984): 61-75.

_____. "Writing Romantic Epiphany." Romance Quarterly 34: 4 (1987): 435-442.

_____. "Real Dreams, Imaginary Dreams, and the Fantastic in Literature." The Dream and the Text. New York: SUNY. Press, 1993. 32-47.

Prendergast, Christopher. "Nerval: The Madness of Mimesis." The Order of Mimesis. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1986. 148-179.

Raitt, A. W. "Time and Instability in Nerval's Sylvie." The Modern Language Review 83 (1988): 843-851.

Richards, Sylvie. "Alchemy as Poetic Metaphor in Gérard de Nerval's Les Chimères."West Virginia University Philological Papers 27 (1981): 34-41.

_____. "The Occidental Tourist: Nerval's Voyage en Orient as Pseudo-Documentary." West Virginia University Philological Papers 44, (1998-1999): 65-72.

Rinsler, Norma. "Classical Literature in the Work of Gérard de Nerval." Revue de Littérature Comparée 37 (1963): 5-32.

_____. "Gérard de Nerval's Celestial City and the Chain of Souls." Studies in Romanticism 2 (1963): 87-106.

_____. "Gérard de Nerval and the Divinities of Fire." French Studies: A Quarterly Review 17 (1963): 136-147.

_____. "Nerval and Aelia Laelia." Revue de Littérature Comparée 37 (1963): 97-98.

_____. "Nerval, Mery et deux pièces perdues." Revue d'Histoire du Théâtre 16 (1964): 47-49.

_____. "Gérard de Nerval: The Goddess and the Siren." Philological Quarterly 43 (1964): 99-111.

_____. "Hugo and the Poesies allemandes of Nerval." Revue de Littérature Comparée 39 (1965): 382-395.

_____. Gérard de Nerval. London: Athlone, 1973.

_____. "Nerval's Promenades et Souvenirs: The Structure of Chance." Romance Studies 9 (1986): 85-96.

_____. "Nerval devant la critique anglo-saxonne." Oeuvres & Critiques: Revue Internationale d'Etude de la Réception Critique d'Etude des Oeuvres Littéraires de Langue 13: 2 (1988): 79-84.

Schehr, Lawrence R. "Romantic Interruptions." Rendering French Realism. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1997. 147-195.

Shattuck, Roger. "Nerval and Virtual Reality." Parnassus: Poetry in Review 25 (2001): 391-402.

Shields, Kathleen. "Derek Mahon's Nerval." Translation & Literature 4:1 (1995): 61-74.

Sieburth, Richard. "Nerval's Lorely, or the Lure of Origin." Studies in Romanticism 22 (1983): 199-239.

_____. Trans. Gérard de Nerval: Selected Writings. New York: Penguin Books, 1999.

Smith, Anne-Marie. "Pandora's Quality of Figure." Paragraph: A Journal of Modern Critical Theory 4, (October1984): 62-86.

_____. "'El Desdichado': Vocal Gesture and Transference in the Melancholic Text." Paragraph: A Journal of Modern Critical Theory 19:1 (March 1996): 49-57.

Strauss, Jonathan. "Nerval's 'Le Christ aux Oliviers': The Subject Writes After His Own Death." The Romanic Review 88 (1997): 103-129.

_____. Subjects of Terror. Nerval, Hegel, and the Modern Self. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1998.

Thomas, Ruth. "'Mélusine' ou 'Manto': Nerval's Annotation." French Studies Bulletin: A Quarterly Supplement 77, (Winter 2000): 11-12.

Thompson, C.W. "French Romantic Travel and the Quest for Energy." The Modern Language Review 87: 2 (1992): 307-19.

Thompson, Peter S. "Sylvie: The Method of Myth." Nineteenth-Century French Studies 12:1-2 (1983-1984): 96-104.

Tyers, Meryl. Critical Fictions: Nerval's 'Les Illuminés'. Oxford: European Humanities Research Centre, 1998.

Warren, Rosanna. "The 'Last Madness' of Gérard de Nerval." The Georgia Review 37: 1 (1983): 131-138.

Weber, Maryann, S.N.D. "How To Do Things With Dreams: Dream Power in Balzac and Nerval." Romance Quarterly 37: 4 (1990): 409-417.

Winston, Phyllis Jane. Nerval's Magic Alphabet. New York: Peter Lang, 1989.

Yager, Hélène Cassou. "La Soif de l'être ou Gérard de Nerval à la lumière de Mircea Eliade." Journal of the American Romanian Academy of Arts and Sciences 15 (1991): 6-18.

York, Holly Ulmer. "Nerval's Aurélia: A la recherche du signe effacé." French Forum 11: 1 (1986): 19-27.

Zink, Michel. "Nerval in the Library, or The Archives of the Soul." Representations 56 (1996): 96-105.


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